I'm posting this as a courtesy to a carving club member. Please contact her directly. As an aside, if you buy it and want to beef it up later, let me know (lpwade@gmail.com). I wrote an article for the Guild newsletter about this style of bench that I strengthened and still use all the time. The following text was provided.
Workbench from Harbor Freight bought about 15 years ago. It is similar to the workbench Harbor Freight currently sells. The bench itself is 34 inches tall x 20 inches deep x 60 inches long. The wood block vise is 12 3/4 inches long and with its handle 5 1/2 inches wide. Includes original pegs. Four felt-lined drawers. Full length lower shelf. $50. Located South Beaverton.
Peg Carrington 503-702-0466