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STATUS:   CLOSED.  Opens March 1, 2025 - for 35 new members.

Registration to new members is disabled when the maximum capacity per month has been reached.  You will not see any membership categories available to select).  It will re-open on the first of the subsequent month.   

NOTE:  If you will not be using the shop or taking classes and wish to become a member,  please contact Membership@GuildofOregonWoodworkers.org

RENEWALS ARE NOT INCLUDED as part of this limit - renewals/level changes

Things to Know Before You Join

Membership:  Membership is for one year - renewable on the anniversary date.   Ages 18+.  Youth 10-17 can register as part of a family membership and participate when accompanied by legal guardian.  No one under 18 can use the machine room or hand held power tools.  

Safety First-  Required Safety Classes:  The Guild is dedicated promoting the art and education of woodworking skills.  Along with that is a commitment to the safety of members and proper use of all tools and machines.  Members must successfully complete a series of safety classes before allowed to use the shop. 

The class series cost will be $200 - $290 depending on skill level.  (professional members $125).   It will take approximately 60-90 days to complete the class sequence.   The classes are:  (with more detail below)

    1.  Introduction to Guild Safety ($40)- Required for all new members regardless of skill level to use bench room or take classes
    2. Getting Started with Power Tools ($90)- For those with no to little experience with tools (experienced woodworkers will be waived through to Core tools).
    3. Core Tool Certification ($160),  Required for all as a pre-requisite to use the machine room. (fast track option available for expert woodworkers.  Talk to Intro instructor.)  

Facility Use: The shop has two rooms - 1. Bench Room - for hand tool use, glue-ups, and such.    2. Machine Room  - for professional grade machines (equipment list here).  To use these, one signs up for a 4 hour Open Shop time slot on the Guild Calendar.  There is no charge for the bench room.  The machine room use is charged for one hour and then in half hour increments thereafter.  There is a separate Studio used solely for classes.

Bring your own blue tape, glue, double-sided tape and other supplies as they are not provided for personal use.  

Shop Fees - Bench Room -       no charge

Machine Room -  $15/hour paid in advance.  (see  Buy Shop Time)

Unlimited time passes - $600 for 6 months; $900 for 12 months

Safety Class Detail:

1. Introduction to Guild Safety Class. ($40)  This class is required of all Members regardless of experience.  You will be introduced to the Guild, and to the safety expectations for shop use. See Education Calendar for next available class.

Upon completion you can:

    • Use the Bench room (work benches, hand planes, chisels, saws are all available or bring your own).  
    • Volunteer for various activities such as Project Build (Wednesdays), Toy Build (Fridays), Estate Sales, etc.  (COMMUNITY Outreach ) These are great ways to get started.
    • Sign up for additional classes that don't require other safety certifications
    • Participate in select Special Interest Groups Special Interest Groups - SIGs (eg. hand tools, women's night)
    • From this class, you will be directed to either Getting Started with Power Tools, or to Core Tool Certification.

2. Getting Started with Power Tools ($90) .  This class will cover hand held power tools such as the trim router, drill, circular saw, jig saw and orbital sander.  

3. Core Tool Certifications ($160). This class will set you up to use the professional grade machines in the shop.  It will cover safe use of the SawStop table saws, jointers, planers, drill press, bandsaw and specialty sanders.

4. Other certifications. There are separate classes for certification on the Router Table, Wide belt sander, PantoRouter, MultiRouter and CNC machines.  Fees vary.

Volunteer:  As an all volunteer organization, we rely on everyone's help to keep things running smoothly and productively and look forward to your contributions.

Website:  Most of the answers to questions can be found in the website, so it's a good idea to browse through it.  

Questions?:  contact Membership@GuildofOregonWoodworkers

 Membership Type Price per Year Description
 General  $  85 All Skill Levels
 General - Gift $  85 All Skill Levels
 Family $110+ Family at same address - 2 adults and 4 youths  See More Details
 Professional (single) $110 Advanced skill level and income derived from woodworking
 Professional (2-4 total) $185-335 Professional plus up to three employees
 Student $  35 Attending school and 18 or older
 Woodshop Educator $  35 High school and college woodworking teachers whose primary profession is education. Please include your school name and your title to assure being approved by the Administrator
 Supporting Memberships - General Member       plus donation  
 Bandsaw Supporter (general + donation) $  250General Member plus $165 donation
 Jointer Supporter $  500General Member plus $415 donation
 Table Saw Supporter $1000General Member plus $915 donation

(scroll down for Join the Guild button)

The Guild membership is for one year from your start date.  You will be notified one month before your anniversary date to renew.  If you do not renew, membership expires automatically. Want to Renew?: click here Membership Renewal 

When you join, we hope that you will provide as much information as possible.  A few items are mandatory, but the rest are optional.   We use this information to better understand our members and to design programs accordingly.

Donations are vital to the ongoing success of the Guild's operation and equipment maintenance.  Please consider donating when you join or renew.
    General Family &  Professional Plus Instructions - To add additional members, click on View Profile next to the login button (after you have logged in) and scroll down to Add Member. 


    Contact Membership Chair with questions.


    1. Online – Paying online with PayPal is the quickest and most secure method as the whole process is automated.  With this method, you will receive your membership card immediately on your smartphone.  The Guild does not accept any other payment apps.  If you do not want to pay via PayPal, send check to address below or drop it at the shop during Open Shop time.  Checks are deposited on Mondays.  
    2. MailIf you cannot register for membership online, please download the application form, print it out, fill it in, and mail it with your check (made out to GOOW).  Email membership of your intent to mail application so you can be included in the new member count for the month.   Note, it may take up to two weeks to be acknowledged.  Mail to:
    Guild of Oregon Woodworkers
    PO Box 80922
    Portland, Or 97280 

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