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General Meeting

  • 21 Feb 2023
  • 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
  • Guild Studio


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CNC: Building Knowledge, Skills, Projects, and Community 

Rich Bader on the CNC Machine

February 21, 2023, 7:00 pm

@ The Studio

The Guild has been lucky to have so many skilled woodworkers from across the country willing to present at our monthly meetings. It is still the greatest pleasure to hear from one of our own. Once again, in February we will be hearing from one of our fellow members: Rich Bader on the CNC (computerized numerical control) machine. 

Our membership truly covers the entire range of woodworking techniques, from all hand tools to the latest technology. The CNC is, obviously, at the high tech end of this spectrum. Once it’s mastered, the CNC machine can create high quality products easily. The key phrase here is “once it’s mastered.” The learning curve is different than what one might think of as traditional woodworking, but learning new skills is one of the reasons for the Guild. 

The CNC is considered by many as useful for creating plaques or signs – anything that requires precise, fine detail.  Rich will show us how to use it in larger projects, such as furniture, and walk us through what it takes to use a CNC machine, including an assessment questionnaire. We are fortunate to have access to a CNC in the shop and classes are being offered frequently (check the Education Calendar, or dates).

This is a great opportunity to learn about an exciting piece of new technology. 

Pick up a chair in the Annex before coming to the Studio (and put it back in the Annex after the meeting). 

Those joining the meeting via Zoom should go to


Hint: The link never changes for the monthly meeting. It is the same every month. 



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