Shop Time
Core tool certification (for machine room use)
Liability Waiver
There is a high demand for this event. If you are unable to attend, please cancel your reservation immediately so another member can register and use the shop.
The Shop Attendant will wait 30 minutes after the start of the shift. If nobody shows up, the SA will close the shop and leave, unless notified in advance of a late arrival.
On the following registration form (after you click the Register button) there are two fields for you to enter the time you plan to arrive at the shop and an estimate of how long you will be there. This information will help the SA determine if drop in users can be accommodated.
The Shop Attendant may allow drop in users if there is room.
There are two CNC machines available for use by reservation for the Open Shop Session. When completing the registration form, select the machine you wish to reserve. The user must be certified or have completed the 12 hours of training and have a certified mentor present while they are using the machine. Make arrangements for a mentor before registering to use the CNC machine. The mentor does not need to register for the session.
You must have the following safety equipment:
ANSI Z87.1 rated safety glasses if using the machine room.
Hearing protection
Dust mask: wearing the mask is optional although the SA may determine it is needed
Please review the Material Guide and bring all consumables required for your project.The guild promotes and encourages all members to act responsibly in matters of health and safety by adhering to the following measures:
Staying Home When Sick: Members are urged to prioritize their health and the health of others by refraining from attending guild events, workshops, or gatherings when experiencing symptoms of a contagious illness, especially those associated with COVID-19.
Follow CDC guidelines: If you have tested positive for COVID-19 or have been exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, you are expected to follow the current CDC guidelines.