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Router Table For Sale

  • 17 Jun 2021 10:22 AM
    Message # 10656405

    I picked this router table up several years ago from a contractor whose father had passed away. His father made this table.

    I'd keep it but I have a one car garage workshop and its now in the way. If I keep it, I'll cannibalize it by removing the table top and enhance it to clamp to my work bench when needed. I currently use a Bosch 1617 EVSPK router with it that is not for sale. (Well it could be. It's almost new and was bought to use with the table.) With this or a similar router, you have micro-adjust capability from above the table and below.

    I replaced the original chipboard router plate with an acrylic plate. It sits about 0.002 inches proud but hasn't caused me problems. I don't use the miter slot but I'd reroute the slot if you will need it. 

    The fence is adjustable and is pretty cool. I was going to replace the adjustable fence sliders with beefier ones though it is totally usable now. Home made but well made. I don't even know what to ask for it as you can't find homemade router tables at Rockler. However, I thought I'd start with $125.00 or best offer.

    I rewired the switch and added a new chord. One socket is hot and one is switched allowing you to add a light or other tool as needed. The  storage drawer is large enough to hold tons of bits and the entire package is on some really squeaky wheels. I'm throwing them in for free. I haven't tried the vac port.

    It comes with another feather board and a bit guard shown below and I have at least 3 bits to add to the package. The round over bit has a carbide cutter.

    It it perfect? Not quite. But it is quite usable.

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