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Help with a grandmother clock

  • 03 Aug 2020 9:31 PM
    Reply # 9142791 on 9140455

    There is a clock shop on 82nd and Stark in South East. A d there is a killer clock shop in Corvallis. Worth the drive.

  • 03 Aug 2020 8:22 AM
    Reply # 9141514 on 9140455

    I knew a machinest that was a clock expert.  My last contact was about 6 years ago.  There was a group in the Portland area that did an annual swap meet around clocks!  If you don't find someone I can try to contact him.  I believe he worked on the clock tower at the railroad station in Portland.

  • 03 Aug 2020 6:55 AM
    Reply # 9141345 on 9140455

    Gordon's Fireplace Shop was known for working on vintage clocks, however I just learned that it shuttered its doors a few years ago.  Try this place.  http://www.watchworkspdx.com/  They will probably know where to send you if they don't work on large clocks themselves.  I've had good luck with them and old wristwatches.  Please let us know if you find a good clock repairer to recommend.

  • 02 Aug 2020 3:57 PM
    Message # 9140455
    Linda Howarth (Administrator)

    Nothing to sell but looking for someone who could look at the clock. After we moved it from my mothers home to mine, pendulum no longer keeps swinging and no ticking. I think it is likely a quick and easy fix but looking for someone who knows clocks to look at it.  Yes, it is clean and level. Thanks. 

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