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SketchUp SetUp for the Fearful and Anxious

  • 14 Jun 2024 2:06 PM
    Reply # 13370464 on 13368083

    What is your project? I might be able to help.

  • 10 Jun 2024 10:17 AM
    Reply # 13368314 on 13368083

    I found the videos on YouTube invaluable. Start with Square One videos. They explain the program tool by tool. Then try to do a simple project. \

    Do you have the pro version? 


  • 09 Jun 2024 10:15 PM
    Message # 13368083

    I've been having troubles getting my SketchUp software set up. The FAQ's and YouTube videos have been a diversion and no help. Do we have anyone proficient who might be able to meet me at the shop for a little Bonehead session. I'll happily bring doughnuts or some such.

    My schedule is pretty flexible, just not Wednesdays.



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