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Source for air-dried lumber?

  • 18 May 2024 5:44 AM
    Reply # 13358547 on 13358267
    Julie Niemeyer (Administrator)

    Hi Dave, 

    The Dee Mill south of Hood River. They are pretty expensive but give them a call. Depending on the quantity, they will negotiate.. Sherilyn Schofield 208-284-8463.

    You will have to do some milling. Everything is rough cut.

    If you do call them, tell them Garrick's Mom sent you and you are a Guild Member. I bought almost $1000 worth of walnut last month. 

    Julie NIemeyer

  • 17 May 2024 8:52 AM
    Message # 13358267

    Anyone know of a source for air-dried lumber?


    Dave Heim

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